

GraphQL is a syntax that defines how data can be requested and is typically used to load data from a server to a database. Find out why it should be included and all other benefits.

GraphQL’s success has grown since its release in 2015. It’s a modern way to build and query APIs. GraphQL is an Application Programming Interface (API) query language and server-side runtime that prioritizes providing clients the data they request.

GraphQL is designed to provide fast, scalable, and developer-friendly APIs. GraphQL helps developers to create queries that gather data from various data sources in a single API call as an alternative to REST.

GraphQL Foundation

It was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 until it was launched publicly in 2015. “On 7 November 2018, the GraphQL project was moved from Facebook to the newly-established GraphQL Foundation, hosted by the non-profit Linux Foundation.”

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is an application-level query language that helps to retrieve and serve data between client and server runtime by offering a simple query protocol. Its power lies in the fact that it provides a new, faster, and more effective way to query and create APIs. The real deal is its flexible data retrieval—the program just loads the necessary data from the server. GraphQL is often hierarchical in nature; it constructs relationships in a simple hierarchical way to eliminate complicated queries when extracting info.

Why use GraphQL?

GraphQL provides a lot of control and versatility over conventional APIs. One of the only aspects GraphQL was developed to solve Data Fetching/Loading issues.

Data processing is one of the most important aspects responsible for the success of the program. Most of the time, the data generated by the API is not needed to execute the program. This problem is referred to as “Over fetching” and may be a more serious concern for mobile devices. Since devices with a slower network connectivity are bound to take more load time, this has a detrimental effect on end-users.

In the current situation, conventional REST APIs do not provide a clean way to solve this problem; GraphQL comes to rescue. It helps clients to decide the structure of the specified data, and the same structure of the data is returned from the server. Preventing loads and loads of data, thus, essentially improves efficiency.

API endpoints usually fetch individual data, so several requests must be made to the server in order to load a certain data-rich program. Applications can, however, capture the necessary data in one round trip in order to prevent degrading efficiency. The simplicity and richness of the GraphQL helps one to specify all the data to be fetched in a single search, eliminating several round trips.

GraphicQL Fundamentals

  • Schema-GraphQL follows a style framework to describe an API schema. The schema writing syntax is called the Schema Description Language (SDL).
  • Query – The data or information that a client needs from a server can be fetched in a request using queries.
  • Mutation-Mutation is the way to change the data on the server; this involves creating/updating/delete data. They have a syntax identical to the questions, with special keywords ahead of them.


GraphQL is a step ahead in the application environment by offering a substantial improvement in performance. Another plus point of GraphQL is that it is not intended to replace any current solution, but to improve and co-exist with REST APIs. Simply put, GraphQL’s future looks bright.

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