Why is WordPress Still Popular?

Why is WordPress Still Popular?

People still link website design to WordPress. WP has changed the way the world is looking at web design. As the road started in the late 90s, it was one of the most thrilling blogging scenes. It is actually the most common CMS and helps developers with any skills to create smartphone applications and websites. WordPress has expanded and developed with the demand and the needs of consumers. That’s the biggest reason we can’t conceive about web design without worrying about WordPress.

Did you know something? Right now, more than 75 million users are using this tool to keep their websites, blogs and online profiles live. It may have been likely, because WP welcomes any person. There are wonderful features, plug-ins, and plugins that all users can use for peanuts. Thousands of themes any user can pick for their market niche. It takes a few minutes on YouTube or WordPress-related tutorial blogs to work out how to build your own website and forum.

If you still don’t believe, here are five more reasons people are still in love with WordPress:

There’s basically no fee!
You can choose from WordPress.com or WordPress.org. No matter which one you pick, you’re going to find an incredibly cost-effective experience. When you stick to the simple kit, you can start with WordPress.com. It’s great for a casual profile or a student blog.

Small and bigger companies also go on WordPress.org. This one offers you a variety of your own hosting services and domain names. Yes, yes! It’s a free download for all users, but you need to register for the hosting fees and the domain name. Even that’s less than the price of a pizza per month!

Options for customization
This CMS platform provides hundreds of themes for any career and genre. Any of these themes comes with a multitude of customization interface and customization options. You will experiment with layouts, textures, backgrounds, fonts, galleries, sliders and sidebars. Each feature is movable, editable and delete-compatible. Plus, there are thousands of plug-ins that you can select from to expand the versatility of any theme. We meet a lot of people who use magazine themes for their personal portfolio websites. The themes are rather versatile. You can change their looks in whatever direction you want while keeping their roles consistent.

SEO friendly nature
WordPress and SEO have already been on a good basis. Both themes come with clean codes and smooth HTML-CSS context integration. The neat structure with plenty of space to change meta tags, title tags, image alt tags, explanations and post URLs offers every opportunity a webmaster wants to make his website more SEO-friendly.

Plug-ins for EVERYTHING!
We only listed the WP plug-ins that are provided for SEO purposes. There are plug-ins for every number of web-based management, repair, and research activities you can think of. You can also maintain the archive of your website from your plug-ins. PhpMyAdmin, WP-DBManager, Web Browser and WP Customize are some of the best plug-ins to help you handle your WordPress database from all angles.

In the same way, you can discover the plug-in solutions for authentication on your website. Secure, Bulletproof Encryption, All-in-One WP Security & Firewall and Security, Antivirus, Firewall—S.A.F. can help you clean up malware, neutralize hacking risks, search all installed plug-ins for malicious codes and provide you with a live monitoring system for your website.

The research only takes a few minutes with the likes of Jetpack, Stat Counter, Total Analytics Optimization Package and WP Meta SEO. All of these plug-ins and related plug-ins are free to download from the plug-in library. You can also notice Anti-spam plug-ins, communication forms, content, user authentication, sitemap creation and caching.

The Final Word

So it comes down to something really basic – you can have all the functionality that the company’s leading websites enjoy now, but you’re going to have to pay peanuts relative to what they pay for. In comparison, WordPress is responsible for more than 70 million live pages. They therefore ought to keep their protection game up-to-date.

Millions of people are only preferring WP for web design because of its ready-to-use functionality, simple customization choices, cost-effectiveness and extensibility. It’s been the king of CMS for a time, and it’s going to be decades before anyone else can dethrone WordPress.

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